
Showing posts from May, 2016

The pdfs

The Pdfs are a secret agent group formed by kids, but we are not very secret.... at least not now

The meeting

The pdfs are going to have a meeting soon!!

In case you are wondering...

Well  maybe you are wondering  why is it the agents SEAL ¿but why seal? when we were in the countryside, we wanted to come out with a name that had pdf words so, we set up the name POSIBLES DEFENSAS  FOCA  and then we changed it to agentes focas which is a agents seal or seal agents

What we are

The agents seal is a group that was made by one of my followers, my brother and i. Our leader is a tape dispenser called Veronica tm My group goes through all sorts of missions

Hey guys welcome to my new blog!!

This is the blog where you can learn learn about my agents group and make some origami!!! or i will post some other things too